
Sunday, October 20, 2013

Inexpensive Ways To Improve The Sale Appeal Of Your Home!

This post is brought to you by Anglian Home.


This is literally and metaphorically the portal to your home. Obviously a door needs to be in the style of the home, but changing a door can not be put in a list of inexpensive things. One quick fix is to make the door's hardware up to date. Handles, knockers/buzzers and even putting potted plants near the door can improve a potential buyer’s first impression.


Old, single-glazed windows or ones that do not fit the style of the home can massively reduce how much people want to buy, especially with single glazing as it instantly gives alarm bells about their potential heating bills when winter comes.

A quick fix for the heating problem is to install temporary insulation covers over the window, which acts like double glazing, along with draft excluding strips to stop the breeze from coming in, but this will make your home even less appealing to sell as it will look like a bodged job to avoid getting real windows.

While it may not be inexpensive, the value added by installing proper, double glazing windows will outweigh the cost. UPVC windows from Anglian Home offer a good range of options for everyone.


A new coat of paint in your home can add thousands to your property and make it much more appealing to buyers if you pick the right colors. For competent DIYers, there is not even the cost of hiring a painter if you have the time to take off. For everyone else, it can be from a few hundred to a couple of thousands to fully repaint a house.


This would not add any value to your home, but it makes sense if you are serious about selling. Quirky layouts, your day to day mess and other things that are more exclusive to you probably would not be appealing to anyone else. 

Unfortunately, these stick in the mind of people viewing the property as they often could not envision what the house would look like without everything they do not want. For that reason, try to make your house as neutral as possible to appeal to more buyers. 

Garage space

For most homes, the garage is a space to store lawnmowers, unused furniture and ladders rather than their intended use of a car. A misused garage is quite literally a waste of space and money, so consider making a use for it.

Even if you do not have the budget to fully insulate and convert it into a conventional room, consider ways it can have a practical use in the home other than a really big, cold box. The quick-fix of a garage space may not add value to the home, but it will show people that the room has potential, so hopefully make you sell it quicker.

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